Amir Shapour Mohammadi

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Upper-division coursework as a Princeton undergraduate. Graduate courses in bold.


   MAT216   Multivariable Analysis and Linear Algebra I (An Intro. to Analysis, Gunning)

MAT217 Honors Linear Algebra (Linear Algebra Done Right, Axler)

MAT300 Multivariable Analysis I (Intro. to Calculus and Analysis Vol. II, Courant)

MAT365 Topology (Topology, Munkres)

MAT355 Intro. to Differential Geometry (Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, do Carmo)

MAT449 Topics in Algebra: Representation Theory (Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction, Knapp)


PHY304 Advanced Electromagnetism (Intro. to Electrodynamics, Griffiths)
   PHY301   Thermal Physics (An Intro. to Thermal Physics, Schroeder)

PHY305 Intro. to Quantum Theory (Modern Quantum Mechanics, Sakurai)

PHY312 Experimental Physics (Experiments in Modern Physics, Melissinos and Napolitano)

PHY596   Quantum Information and Entangement (Lecture Notes for Quantum Information and Computation, Preskill)

PHY511   Statistical Mechanics (Statistical Physics, Landau and Lifshitz)

PHY509   Quantum Field Theory (An Intro. to Quantum Field Theory, Peskin)

PHY510   Advanced Quantum Field Theory (An Intro. to Quantum Field Theory, Peskin)

PHY525   Intro. to Condensed Matter Physics (Modern Condensed Matter Physics, Girvin)

PHY536   Advanced Condensed Matter Physics II (Field Theories of Condensed Matter Systems, Fradkin)


   MAE541   Applied Dynamical Systems (Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields, Guckenheimer and Holmes)

ECE544   Physics and Technology of Low-Dimensional Electronic Structures (The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Davies)

ECE396 Intro. to Quantum Computing (An Intro. to Quantum Computing, Kaye)