Upper-division coursework as a Princeton undergraduate. Graduate courses in bold.
MAT216 | Multivariable Analysis and Linear Algebra I (An Intro. to Analysis, Gunning) | |
MAT217 | Honors Linear Algebra (Linear Algebra Done Right, Axler) |
MAT300 | Multivariable Analysis I (Intro. to Calculus and Analysis Vol. II, Courant) |
MAT365 | Topology (Topology, Munkres) |
MAT355 | Intro. to Differential Geometry (Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, do Carmo) |
MAT449 | Topics in Algebra: Representation Theory (Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction, Knapp) |
PHY304 | Advanced Electromagnetism (Intro. to Electrodynamics, Griffiths) |
PHY301 | Thermal Physics (An Intro. to Thermal Physics, Schroeder) | |
PHY305 | Intro. to Quantum Theory (Modern Quantum Mechanics, Sakurai) |
PHY312 | Experimental Physics (Experiments in Modern Physics, Melissinos and Napolitano) |
PHY596 | Quantum Information and Entangement (Lecture Notes for Quantum Information and Computation, Preskill) |
PHY511 | Statistical Mechanics (Statistical Physics, Landau and Lifshitz) |
PHY509 | Quantum Field Theory (An Intro. to Quantum Field Theory, Peskin) |
PHY510 | Advanced Quantum Field Theory (An Intro. to Quantum Field Theory, Peskin) |
PHY525 | Intro. to Condensed Matter Physics (Modern Condensed Matter Physics, Girvin) |
PHY536 | Advanced Condensed Matter Physics II (Field Theories of Condensed Matter Systems, Fradkin) |
MAE541 | Applied Dynamical Systems (Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields, Guckenheimer and Holmes) | |
ECE544 | Physics and Technology of Low-Dimensional Electronic Structures (The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Davies) |
ECE396 | Intro. to Quantum Computing (An Intro. to Quantum Computing, Kaye) |